Fisher Men-At-Arms

On an even keel… The fisher men go out into the deep blue sea They see the battle of Tripoli…

Listening as Knowing

It’s easy to forsake what you hear as blather. But words from other minds are valuable. When you listen you…

A Deterministic Present

As a sort of therapy for the uncertainty and burden of living with the past and future in a present…

Gravity as an Energy Source

What’s interesting, amongst various other fruits, about life here on Earth are human energy sources. Humans require regular animal metabolic…

All People Are Created Special

You’ve heard it, “Everyone is special in their own way.” Then one asks, “How can everyone be special? That means…

Location to the Third Power

The capitalists say it so much it’s like they’re trying to shove it up your location. It’s Location, Location, Location.…

Hate Doesn’t Need Be

Hate is a funny word. It’s often used out of context. Regardless of definition, hate is a deep seeded, emotional…

Original Music

[This is a complement to a previous Musical Origins related post] Assuming an Out-of-Africa model, 200,000 years ago there was…