Investment Advice from an Anthropologist

Invest in tools. Whether physical or intellectual, they can enable you moreso than purely ephemeral things. Tools enhance you via what you can do with them and what they can do for you. Keep them handy and many within a sustainable system of dynamic growth. Regardless, good tools will always hold high liquidation value.


  1. Thought-provoking. I am curious. Is there an intellectual tool that would surpass all physical tools in producing the highest good? And from an anthropologist’s opinion, what physical tool has proven the greatest value to man – or has had the greatest utility long term without depreciating?


    1. There is education, and so progress, in all things. With an open and listening mind everyone is your teacher and any life event can be manipulated into a lesson. The intellectual tools here are cultural relativism and positive thinking facilitated by empiricism and holism.

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  2. I so agree with this advice! One of the tools I am currently using is my local library’s online resources. I want to read the New Mexico newspaper to see why I-40 was closed down yesterday near Gallup NM. I was on a trip and had to come up with an alternative route back to Phoenix without any warning. I got safely home using the back-roads, another tool. In fact, after reading this blog I realize that many things around us can be used as a tool. Even the definition and even the slang use of tool are now a lot more fascinating since reading this blog. Thanks.

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